Habitat Enhancement Landscape Pilot boosts biodiversity, benefits at-risk species

By enhancing biologically diverse habitats on conservation lands, the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund-backed HELP program will support pollinators and other at-risk species.

Nitrogen reduction, collaboration drive Dakota County’s ACRE Plan

The Agricultural Chemical Reduction Effort Plan takes a water quality-focused, comprehensive approach to addressing groundwater concerns throughout Dakota County.

Root River SWCD project targets trout habitat, aims to curb flood damage and sedimentation

Watershed-Based Implementation Funding supports a Caledonia area project nearly 10 years in the making. Its benefits include improving wildlife habitat, and protecting roads and ag land.

Coon Creek Watershed District links habitat, stormwater work

The Coon Creek Watershed District’s Clean Water Fund-supported, $1.3 million Sand Creek restoration project overcame constraints of an urban setting to improve habitat, reduce the likelihood of flash flooding and curb pollution bound for the Mississippi River.