Clean Water Fund delisting sampler

BWSR’s Clean Water Fund-backed water quality work with landowners, SWCDs and watersheds across Minnesota contributed to some of the proposed removals from the state’s impaired waters list. Sample a half-dozen, from Sherburne, Pope, Washington, Stearns, Dakota and Grant counties.

Backyard bounty: Planting for pollinators

The Lawns to Legumes program has helped Minnesota residents plant more than 1.2 million square feet of pollinator habitat since installations began in spring 2020. Grant applications will be accepted through Feb. 15.

RIM grassland easements take root

“We’re always preaching that these prairies are so valuable, but there’s hardly any programs that (actually) pay a landowner to put it in a permanent easement.” — John Voz, BWSR, on RIM grassland easements

Virtual training site boosts access

More than 370 people completed more than 2,300 training modules last year using BWSR's MNC3 training website, which offers core competency trainings and other learning opportunities.