1987 Corps of Engineers Manual (pdf)

In addition to the above 87 Manual, wetland determinations/delineations in Minnesota must utilize the appropriate regional supplement in accordance with the Land Resource Region (LRR) where the determination/delineation is being conducted. The following LRR map defines each LRR in Minnesota using the closest fit township boundary. Region "M" should utilize the Midwest Regional Supplement, region "K" the NC/NE Regional Supplement and region "F" the Great Plains Regional Supplement.

LRR Boundaries by Township (pdf)

Certain aspects of the regional supplements such as hydric soils indicators and the wetland plant list are frequently updated, and users should consult the latest version. Links to current versions are provided in the text of the supplements and under the Wetland Delineation Guidance and Resources page of this website.

Midwest Regional Supplement (LRR M)

Midwest Regional Supplement (pdf)

Public Notice Midwest Regional Supplement (pdf)

Midwest Data Sheet V2.0 (automated xlsx)

Northcentral-Northeast Regional Supplement (LRR K)

Northcentral-Northeast Regional Supplement (pdf)

Public Notice Northcentral-Northeast Regional Supplement (pdf)

Northcentral-Northeast Data Sheet V2.0 (automated xlsx)

Great Plains Regional Supplement (LRR F)

Great Plains Regional Supplement (pdf)

Public Notice Great Plains Regional Supplement (pdf)

Great Plains Data Sheet V2.0 (automated xlsx) 



Ken Powell
Wetland Conservation Act Operations Supervisor