Effective Date: 7/1/2023

Grant Reporting

Grant reporting is a means to illustrate achievements and progress made towards program goals and to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of State funds. In general, reports are to contain updates on activities and expenditures that occurred since the previous report and are to be completed by February 1 of each year and within 30 days of the completion of a grant. Grants over $500,000 may include an additional report to be completed by June 30th of each year.

Reporting for most grants includes entries in eLINK at the conclusion of the grant, and may include posting grant information on the grantee’s website. Content and frequency of reports varies by grant program and fiscal year; therefore, grant recipients should carefully read all grant agreements, reporting announcements and guidance. 

  • Reporting reminders and announcements are generally sent via email to grant recipients. See the BWSR Grant Program Work Plan and Reporting Overview webpage for a list of active grants, program specific requirements, and current reporting deadlines. Be sure to check this page prior to each reporting deadline for the most updated guidance. 
  • General website reporting requirements can be found below.  Grantees are encouraged to develop and post public-friendly grant information with pictures and maps regardless of reporting requirements.
  • For grants with a reimbursable component, see the Requesting a Reimbursement or Payment section of the manual for the processes and expectations.
  • Submittal of items such as financial statements and audits, annual reports, or posting of additional website information may also be required by individual grant programs.

Some grants may have requirements in addition to those noted here that may influence grant eligibility.  For example, BWSR may act as the fiscal agent on behalf of other State agencies, such as MPCA SSTS Program and DNR Shoreland Program. These agencies may have requirements beyond information BWSR has requested. 

Minnesota Statute §103B.3369, Subdivision 9 allows BWSR to consider additional performance-based criteria for grant programs and the Office of Grants Management’s Policy on Grant Closeout Evaluation (08-13) requires BWSR to consider a grant applicant’s past performance when awarding grants. BWSR may consider withholding grant payments if the grantee is not in compliance with ALL Board reporting requirements.

If you have questions or are unable to complete a required report by a given deadline, contact your Board Conservationist.

Website Grant Reporting

For grants with website reporting requirements, information must be completed and available on the grantee’s website by March 15th of each year and is recommended to be maintained on the website for a minimum of three years after the end of the grant period.  See your grant agreement to determine if website reporting is required. When notifying BWSR of website postings, include links to the posted information.

For website reporting of Clean Water Land and Legacy funded projects, the grantee is required to display the legacy logo on their website accompanied by the phrase "Click here for more information." When a person clicks on the legacy logo image, the website must direct the person to a page that includes both the contact information a person may use to obtain additional information, as well as a link to the Legacy website:

When additional website reporting is required, the content of the website reports for a grant should reflect the activities, expenditures, and achievements associated with the grant funds.  If a grant recipient does not have a website, a partner organization website may be used.  

When website reporting is required, website grant reports will include the following information:

  • Identify the grant name and funding source;
  • Include an activity or project description;             
  • Provide details on the project cost, grant dollars, and leveraged or match funds;
  • Describe the outputs or results such as installed projects, acres treated, etc.;
  • Describe the outcomes or environmental or behavioral results of the project;
  • Provide pictures and/or maps when available;
  • Additional requirements may apply for projects funded through the Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment.

Posting of eLINK summary reports is often sufficient to meet these requirements; however, grantees are encouraged to develop or use more public-friendly alternatives or information pages with pictures and maps.

Counties. In addition to reporting grant activities, counties are encouraged to post their Comprehensive Local Water Management Plan or County Groundwater Plan as applicable. Website posting of supplemental Natural Resources Block Grant (NRBG) activity reports for WCA, Shoreland, SSTS, is optional. Be sure to check the grant agreement to determine if website reporting is required.

Joint Powers Boards, Regional Entities and Legislatively Directed Grants. In addition to reporting grant activities, documents such as annual reports, annual work plans, organizational budgets and similar documents may be required by the grant program.

Technical Service Area (TSA). TSAs must post their annual financial statement and eLINK work plans on the host SWCD website, unless the joint powers board has its own website.

Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) In addition to reporting grant activities, SWCD websites must include the information: 

  • Annual report
  • Most recent audit
  • Annual budget
  • Meeting notices


Description of revisions


Previously titled Reporting Requirements. No significant changes, updated format and language, addition of links to the Legacy site. 7/1/2017

Updated to reflect process changes in eLINK. Clarified TSA annual financial statement requirement.
