BWSR staff expertise contributes to quality of private wetland banks

Minnesota is a leader in private wetland banking, a system that produces high-quality, permanent replacement wetlands to offset authorized, unavoidable impacts to existing wetlands. The state’s 330 private wetland banks account for about 15% of all such banks in the U.S.

Pilot project sets sights on reforestation via private landowners in priority areas

An Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund-backed pilot project aims to accelerate tree planting within the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The Watershed and Forest Restoration: What a Match! project will contribute to a larger, 1-million-acre reforestation goal.

BWSR pilot tracks progress of watershed management plan

The watershed-based assessment centered on the Yellow Medicine Partnership that wrapped up in December 2022 will help BWSR develop recommendations to enhance the delivery of conservation services.

Farmers’ erosion fixes augment Marsh Lake water quality efforts

Big Stone SWCD worked with West Central TSA engineers and landowners on BWSR Clean Water Fund-backed work in the Five Mile Creek watershed.